Eliminate Facial and Neck Fat Quickly and Easily With Kybella Injections

MPS Kybella Miami

It can be difficult to get rid of unwanted facial and neck fat. Many people who exercise and eat healthy find that the stubborn fat below the chin simply won’t budge. Kybella Miami is a simple solution. This injectable medication helps to break down the fat cells in this area, leaving people looking younger and thinner.

The Kybella Process

Kybella uses deoxycholic acid, which is naturally occurring in the body, to break down unwanted fat deposits. It is typically injected into the area beneath the chin, where it destroys fat cells, rendering them incapable of storing or accumulating fat. Though patients may need 2-3 Kybella treatments to achieve their desired results, the results are long lasting, as the treatment prevents the return of fat cells.

What Happens During Kybella Treatment?

During the injectable treatment, the physician will administer several small injections of Kybella beneath the chin. The number of injections and the amount of Kybella used is determined by the patient’s desired profile. The entire procedure generally takes about 20 minutes. If the first treatment session doesn’t sufficiently diminish submental fullness, patients can continue the treatment process. After a treatment session, patients should wait 4-6 weeks before their next set of injections, as Kybella continues to dissolve fat for several weeks after the initial injection.

What is Recovery Time from Kybella?

Kybella does have a few visible side effects. After an injection, patients usually experience some numbness, bruising, and swelling. It may take several days for a patient to fully recover from their Kybella treatment.

Who Are Good Candidates for Kybella?

The best candidates for Kybella follow a healthy lifestyle, but can’t get rid of their stubborn double chin. This condition, which is known as submental fat, can make people look older or heavier than they truly are. Kybella destroys the fat in this area, leaving patients with smooth, younger looking profiles. Kybella is not designed for use on children below the age of 18.
People who are breastfeeding, have bleeding problems, have trouble swallowing, or have neck-related medical conditions may not be good candidates for Kybella.
Our clinic can help people interested in Kybella in Miami achieve their aesthetic goals. For more information, contact us to schedule a Kybella Miami consultation.

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